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Homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe [Easy]

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Indulge in the timeless allure of a classic dessert with our irresistible Vanilla Bean Ice Cream recipe. Crafted using the finest ingredients and embracing the traditional French vanilla technique, this homemade delicacy promises a rich, creamy, and utterly decadent experience that is sure to captivate your taste buds. Our Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is more than just a frozen treat; it’s a celebration of pure indulgence.

Indulge in the creamy decadence of our ‘No-Egg Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe,’ perfect for those seeking a dairy delight without the hassle of eggs. For a twist on tradition, venture into the rich flavors of our ‘French Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe,’ boasting the timeless essence of French cuisine. Whether you opt for the simplicity of no-egg or the sophistication of French, both recipes promise a scoop of pure bliss awaiting your taste buds

 By infusing fresh vanilla bean pods into a luscious egg-yolk custard base, we unlock the essence of true vanilla flavor, elevating every spoonful into a symphony of luxurious taste and texture.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe

Best Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe

Indulge in the timeless allure of a classic dessert with our irresistible Vanilla Bean Ice Cream recipe. Crafted using the finest ingredients and embracing the traditional French vanilla technique, this homemade delicacy promises a rich, creamy, and utterly decadent experience that is sure to captivate your taste buds.
Our Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is more than just a frozen treat; it’s a celebration of pure indulgence. By infusing fresh vanilla bean pods into a luscious egg-yolk custard base, we unlock the essence of true vanilla flavor, elevating every spoonful into a symphony of luxurious taste and texture.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 6 hours
Course Dessert
Servings 1 People
Calories 207 kcal


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 1 vanilla bean pod
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt


  • Prepare the Ingredients:
    In a medium saucepan, combine the heavy cream and whole milk. Heat the mixture over medium heat until it reaches a simmer. Do not let it boil.
    While the cream and milk are heating, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar in a separate bowl until well combined and slightly pale in color.
  • Temper the Eggs:
    Once the cream mixture is simmering, take about 1/2 cup of the hot liquid and slowly pour it into the egg mixture while whisking constantly. This step helps temper the eggs, preventing them from curdling when added back to the hot cream.
  • Combine and Heat:
    Pour the tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining cream and milk. Stir in a pinch of salt.
    Split the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out the seeds. Add both the seeds and the pod to the cream mixture. If using vanilla extract, skip this step and add the extract later.
    Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. This usually takes about 5-7 minutes. Do not let it boil.
  • Chill the Mixture:
    Once the custard has thickened, remove the saucepan from the heat and strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the vanilla bean pod and any cooked egg bits. If using vanilla extract, stir it in at this point.
    Cover the custard with plastic wrap, pressing the wrap directly onto the surface of the custard to prevent a skin from forming. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.
  • Churn the Ice Cream:
    After chilling, pour the custard into your ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions until it reaches a soft-serve consistency.
    Transfer the churned ice cream to an airtight container and freeze for an additional 2-4 hours, or until firm.
  • Serve and Enjoy:
    Once the ice cream has hardened, scoop it into bowls or cones and serve. You can garnish with additional vanilla bean seeds or a drizzle of caramel sauce if desired.


This recipe yields about 1 quart of delectable Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, perfect for sharing or indulging in a solo treat. Feel free to customize it by adding mix-ins like chocolate chips, nuts, or fruit for added texture and flavor.

Why You’re Going to Love this Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe?

There are several reasons why you’re going to love this Ice Cream recipe:

  1. Rich and Creamy Texture: This recipe results in an incredibly creamy and velvety ice cream, thanks to the combination of heavy cream, whole milk, and egg yolks. Each spoonful is a luxurious experience that melts smoothly in your mouth.
  2. Intense Vanilla Flavor: Using real vanilla beans and vanilla extract ensures that this ice cream bursts with authentic vanilla flavor. The tiny specks of vanilla seeds add visual appeal and enhance the overall taste.
  3. Homemade Goodness: Making ice cream from scratch allows you to control the quality of ingredients and customize the sweetness and richness according to your preferences. It’s a rewarding and satisfying process that results in a superior dessert.
  4. Versatility: While this recipe celebrates the pure essence of vanilla, you can easily customize it by adding your favorite mix-ins such as chocolate chips, caramel swirls, or chopped nuts. The base is versatile enough to accommodate various flavor combinations.
  5. Perfect for All Occasions: Whether you’re serving it as a refreshing treat on a hot summer day or as a delightful dessert at a special gathering, this Ice Cream is sure to impress and satisfy your cravings for something sweet and indulgent.
  6. Family-Friendly: Kids and adults alike will love the classic appeal of vanilla ice cream. It’s a timeless flavor that never goes out of style and is loved by everyone.

Overall, this Ice Cream recipe offers a delightful blend of rich creaminess, intense vanilla flavor, and homemade goodness that will make it a favorite dessert in your household.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe Kitchenaid

Experience the timeless elegance of homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream crafted with your KitchenAid mixer. This classic recipe celebrates the pure essence of vanilla with specks of real vanilla bean throughout, creating a luxurious and creamy dessert that’s perfect for any occasion. With the KitchenAid mixer’s power and precision, you can easily create velvety-smooth ice cream that rivals the best artisanal scoops. Let’s dive into creating this sophisticated treat that promises to delight your taste buds with every scoop.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 4 hours
Course Dessert
Servings 1 People
Calories 250 kcal


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup  granulated sugar
  • 1  tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 6 large egg yolks
  • Pinch of salt


  • Prepare the Vanilla Bean:
    Split the vanilla bean pod lengthwise using a sharp knife.
    Scrape out the seeds from the pod using the back of the knife.
  • Heat the Cream and Milk:
    In a saucepan, combine the heavy cream, whole milk, vanilla bean seeds, and the scraped vanilla bean pod.
    Heat the mixture over medium heat until it reaches a gentle simmer. Do not boil.
  • Infuse the Flavors:
    Once the mixture simmers, remove it from heat and cover the saucepan with a lid.
    Let the vanilla bean steep in the hot cream mixture for about 30 minutes to infuse the flavors.
  • Prepare the Ice Cream Base:
    In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and granulated sugar until the mixture becomes pale and slightly thick.
  • Temper the Eggs:
    Gradually pour a small amount of the hot cream mixture into the egg yolk mixture while whisking continuously. This process tempers the eggs and prevents them from curdling.
  • Combine and Cook:
    Pour the tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining cream mixture.
    Cook the mixture over medium-low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula.
    Continue cooking until the mixture thickens slightly and coats the back of the spoon, creating a custard-like consistency. Do not boil.
  • Strain and Chill:
    Remove the saucepan from heat and strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the vanilla bean pod and any cooked egg bits.
    Let the custard cool to room temperature, then cover it with plastic wrap, ensuring the wrap touches the surface of the custard to prevent a skin from forming.
    Chill the custard in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight until thoroughly chilled.
  • Churn the Ice Cream:
    Once chilled, pour the vanilla bean custard into the bowl of your KitchenAid mixer fitted with the ice cream attachment.
    Churn the custard on medium-low speed for about 20-25 minutes or until it reaches a soft-serve consistency.
  • Freeze the Ice Cream:
    Transfer the churned vanilla bean ice cream into a freezer-safe container.
    Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap and freeze the ice cream for an additional 2-4 hours or until firm.
  • Serve and Enjoy:
    When ready to serve, let the vanilla bean ice cream sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften slightly.
    Scoop the creamy and decadent ice cream into bowls or cones.Garnish with fresh vanilla bean seeds or a drizzle of vanilla syrup for an extra touch of elegance.
    Indulge in the classic sophistication of homemade vanilla bean ice cream made effortlessly with your KitchenAid mixer!


Overall, this Ice Cream recipe offers a delightful blend of rich creaminess, intense vanilla flavor, and homemade goodness that will make it a favorite dessert in your household.

Ingredients in Homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

The ingredients typically used in homemade Vanilla Bean include:

  1. Heavy Cream: Provides the richness and creaminess to the ice cream.
  2. Whole Milk: Adds to the creaminess and helps achieve the desired consistency.
  3. Granulated Sugar: Sweetens the ice cream and balances the flavors.
  4. Pinch of Salt: Enhances the flavor and helps balance the sweetness.
  5. Egg Yolks: Used to make a custard base, adding richness and a smooth texture.
  6. Vanilla Bean Pod: Provides intense vanilla flavor and visual appeal with its tiny seeds.
  7. Pure Vanilla Extract: Enhances the vanilla flavor and adds depth to the ice cream.

These ingredients come together to create a homemade Vanilla Bean that is rich, creamy, and bursting with authentic vanilla flavor. Adjustments can be made to the sweetness or richness based on personal preference, making it a customizable and delightful dessert option.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Calories

The calorie content of Vanilla Bean can vary based on the specific recipe and serving size. However, here’s a general overview of the approximate calorie content of homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream:

  1. Heavy Cream: One cup of heavy cream typically contains around 820 calories.
  2. Whole Milk: One cup of whole milk contains approximately 150 calories.
  3. Granulated Sugar: One cup of granulated sugar contributes around 770 calories.
  4. Egg Yolks: Four large egg yolks contain roughly 220 calories.
  5. Vanilla Bean Pod: The calorie content of a vanilla pod is negligible as it is mainly used for flavoring.

Considering these ingredients and their calorie content, a standard serving (around 1/2 cup or 125 ml) of homemade Vanilla Bean can range from approximately 200 to 300 calories. This calorie estimate can vary based on factors such as the specific quantities of ingredients used, the recipe’s preparation method, and any additional mix-ins or toppings added to the ice cream. It’s important to note that while Vanilla Bean Ice Cream can be a delicious treat, it is also relatively high in calories due to its creamy and indulgent nature. Enjoying it in moderation as part of a balanced diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Perfect Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Here are some tips for making perfect Vanilla Bean Ice Cream:

Properly chilling the custard for optimal texture:

  • Ensure that the custard mixture is thoroughly chilled before churning in the ice cream maker. This helps in achieving a smooth and creamy texture in the finished ice cream. Chilling overnight is recommended for best results.

Using high-quality vanilla beans and extract for intense flavor:

  • Invest in good-quality vanilla beans and extract to enhance the flavor of your ice cream. Scraping the seeds from real vanilla beans adds a rich and authentic vanilla taste, while a splash of pure vanilla extract boosts the flavor profile.

Adjusting sweetness and richness based on personal preference:

  • Taste the custard mixture before churning and adjust the sweetness according to your preference. You can add more or less sugar based on how sweet you like your ice cream. Similarly, if you prefer a richer ice cream, you can increase the amount of cream in the recipe.

Adding mix-ins or toppings for variety and customization:

  • Get creative with your Vanilla Bean Ice Cream by adding mix-ins or toppings. Chocolate chips, chopped nuts, caramel swirls, or fresh fruit can add texture and flavor to your ice cream. Fold them into the churned ice cream just before freezing for a delicious twist.

By following these tips, you can elevate this Ice Cream to perfection, achieving a creamy texture, intense vanilla flavor, and customized sweetness and richness that suit your taste preferences.


What is difference between vanilla and vanilla bean ice cream?

The main difference between vanilla and vanilla bean ice creams lies in the source of the vanilla flavoring and the resulting texture and appearance.

  1. Vanilla Ice Cream:
    • Vanilla ice cream typically uses vanilla extract or artificial vanilla flavoring to achieve its vanilla flavor.
    • The texture of vanilla ice cream is usually smooth and consistent throughout, without visible specks or flecks of vanilla.
    • The flavor profile is generally milder compared to vanilla bean ice cream, as the extract or artificial flavoring may not capture the full complexity of real vanilla beans.
  2. Vanilla Bean Ice Cream:
    • Vanilla bean ice creams uses real vanilla beans, which are scraped to extract the tiny seeds (vanilla caviar). These seeds are then added to the ice cream base, infusing it with an intense and authentic vanilla flavor.
    • The texture of vanilla bean ice cream often includes visible specks or flecks of vanilla throughout, showcasing the presence of real vanilla beans.
    • The flavor of vanilla bean ice cream is richer, more aromatic, and more complex due to the use of real vanilla beans, providing a deeper and more satisfying vanilla experience.

In summary, while both vanilla and vanilla bean ice cream offer a vanilla flavor, the use of real vanilla beans in vanilla bean ice cream results in a more pronounced and authentic vanilla taste, along with a visually appealing speckled appearance that distinguishes it from vanilla ice cream made with extract or artificial flavoring.

Can I make Vanilla Bean Ice Cream without an ice cream maker?

Yes, you can make Vanilla Bean Ice Cream without an ice cream maker using alternative methods. Here are two common methods for making ice cream without an ice cream maker:

  1. Freezer Bag Method:
    • Ingredients needed: Heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, vanilla extract or vanilla beans, salt, large resealable freezer bags, ice cubes, and rock salt.
    • In a bowl, mix together heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, vanilla extract or scraped vanilla beans, and a pinch of salt until well combined.
    • Pour the mixture into a large resealable freezer bag and seal it tightly, removing excess air.
    • Fill another large resealable freezer bag halfway with ice cubes and add rock salt to the ice.
    • Place the sealed bag of ice cream mixture into the bag of ice and salt, ensuring it’s surrounded by the ice mixture.
    • Seal the outer bag tightly and shake vigorously for about 10-15 minutes or until the ice cream mixture thickens and solidifies.
    • Once the ice cream reaches the desired consistency, remove it from the bag, scoop into bowls, and enjoy!
  2. No-Churn Method:
    • Ingredients needed: Heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract or vanilla beans, salt.
    • In a mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
    • In another bowl, mix together sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract or scraped vanilla beans, and a pinch of salt until well combined.
    • Gently fold the whipped cream into the condensed milk mixture until fully incorporated.
    • Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container, smooth the top, and cover with a lid or plastic wrap.
    • Freeze the mixture for at least 6-8 hours or overnight until it solidifies into ice cream.
    • Once frozen, scoop the ice cream into bowls and serve.

These methods allow you to enjoy this homemade Ice Cream without an ice cream maker, although the texture may differ slightly from ice cream churned in a machine. Adjustments can be made to the ingredients and flavors based on personal preference.

What is vanilla bean ice cream made of?

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is typically made of the following ingredients:

  1. Heavy Cream: Provides richness and creaminess to the ice cream.
  2. Whole Milk: Adds to the creaminess and helps achieve the desired consistency.
  3. Granulated Sugar: Sweetens the ice cream and balances the flavors.
  4. Egg Yolks: Used to make a custard base, adding richness and a smooth texture.
  5. Vanilla Bean: A real vanilla beans pod is scraped to extract the seeds (vanilla caviar), which are added to the ice cream base for intense vanilla flavor and visual appeal.
  6. Pure Vanilla Extract: Enhances the vanilla flavor and adds depth to the ice cream.

These ingredients are combined to create a luxurious and flavorful Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with a smooth texture and authentic vanilla taste. Adjustments can be made to the sweetness, richness, and intensity of the vanilla flavor based on personal preference.

What Flavour is vanilla bean ice cream?

It has a rich and aromatic flavor profile that is characterized by the following attributes:

  1. Vanilla: The primary flavor of this ice cream is, of course, vanilla. However, this is not just any vanilla; it’s the distinct and intense flavor derived from real vanilla beans. The use of scraped vanilla beans or vanilla bean paste adds a deep, complex, and natural vanilla taste to the ice cream.
  2. Creaminess: Vanilla bean ice cream is known for its creamy texture, which comes from the combination of heavy cream and whole milk in the ice cream base. This creaminess enhances the overall flavor experience and adds a luxurious mouthfeel.
  3. Sweetness: Vanilla bean ice cream is moderately sweetened with granulated sugar. The sweetness complements the vanilla flavor without overpowering it, creating a harmonious balance of flavors.
  4. Subtle Egginess: Since vanilla bean ice cream is often made with a custard base that includes egg yolks, there can be a subtle hint of eggy richness in the flavor. This adds depth and complexity to the overall taste profile.
  5. Vanilla Seeds: One of the distinguishing features of this ice cream is the presence of tiny black specks or flecks throughout the ice cream. These are the seeds (vanilla caviar) extracted from the scraped vanilla beans, and they not only contribute to the visual appeal but also provide bursts of intense vanilla flavor in every bite.

Overall, the flavor of this ice cream is rich, creamy, and deeply satisfying, with a pronounced vanilla taste that is both comforting and indulgent.

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