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Mexican Fried Ice Cream Recipe

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Mexican Fried Ice Cream is a delightful and indulgent dessert that blends the cool creaminess of ice cream with the crispy crunch of a fried coating. Despite its name, this dessert actually hails from the United States and is inspired by Mexican flavors. It’s a popular treat often found on the menus of Mexican restaurants and has gained fame for its unique combination of textures and flavors.

The concept of Mexican Fried Ice Cream involves taking a scoop of ice cream, coating it with a mixture of crushed cereal or cookie crumbs, then quickly deep-frying it to create a warm, crispy shell while keeping the inside frozen. The result is a contrast of hot and cold, crunchy and creamy, making it a memorable dessert experience.

While the traditional version uses flavors like vanilla or cinnamon ice cream and a coating of cinnamon-sugar, modern variations can feature different ice cream flavors and coatings, allowing for creative twists on this classic dessert. Whether enjoyed plain or topped with caramel sauce, whipped cream, or chocolate drizzle, Mexican Fried Ice Cream offers a delightful sensory experience that’s sure to please dessert enthusiasts.

Mexican Fried Ice Cream Recipe

Mexican Fried Ice Cream Recipe

Savor the crispy, golden exterior and the cool, creamy center of Fried Ice Cream. Despite its seemingly complex name, this dessert is surprisingly simple to make and promises a delightful contrast of textures and flavors. With just a handful of ingredients and a bit of frying magic, you can create a dessert that’s sure to impress.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 1 People
Calories 327 kcal


  • 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream
  • 2 cups cornflakes, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2  tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2  large eggs
  • Vegetable oil, for frying


  • Preparation:
    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or wax paper.
    Place the scoops of vanilla ice cream onto the prepared baking sheet and freeze for at least 2 hours, or until firm.
  • Coating:
    In a shallow dish, combine the crushed cornflakes, ground cinnamon, and granulated sugar. Mix well.
    In another shallow dish, lightly beat the eggs.
  • Coating the Ice Cream:
    Remove the frozen scoops of vanilla ice cream from the freezer.
    Roll each scoop of ice cream in the crushed cornflake mixture until evenly coated, pressing gently to adhere.
    Dip each coated ice cream ball into the beaten eggs, ensuring it is completely coated.
    Roll the coated ice cream balls once again in the crushed cornflake mixture, pressing gently to coat thoroughly.
    Place the coated ice cream balls back onto the baking sheet and return to the freezer for another 15-20 minutes to firm up.
  • Frying:
    In a deep fryer or heavy-bottomed pot, heat vegetable oil to 375°F (190°C).
    Carefully lower the coated ice cream balls into the hot oil using a slotted spoon or frying basket, one at a time.
    Fry the ice cream balls for about 20-30 seconds, or until golden brown and crispy. Be sure to work quickly to prevent the ice cream from melting.
    Remove the fried ice cream balls from the oil and drain on a paper towel-lined plate to remove excess oil.
  • Serving:
    Transfer the fried ice cream balls to serving plates.
    Drizzle with honey, chocolate syrup, or your favorite toppings.
    Garnish with whipped cream and maraschino cherries, if desired.
    Serve immediately and enjoy the delightful contrast of crispy and creamy textures!


With just a few simple steps, you can create a restaurant-worthy Fried Ice Cream dessert right in your own kitchen. Whether served as a special treat for guests or as a fun family dessert, this recipe is sure to be a hit!

Mexican Fried Ice Cream Ingredients

Mexican Fried Ice Cream is a delicious dessert that combines the crispiness of fried coating with the creamy goodness of ice cream. Here are the typical ingredients used to make Mexican Fried Ice Cream:

  1. Vanilla Ice Cream: The star ingredient of the dish, usually in a ball or scoop form.
  2. Coating Mixture:
    • Cornflakes or crushed cereal: Provides the crispy texture.
    • Cinnamon and sugar: Adds sweetness and a hint of spice.
    • Optional: Ground nuts (like almonds or pecans) for added crunch and flavor.
  3. Frying Oil: Typically vegetable oil or canola oil used for deep frying.
  4. Toppings: These are optional but commonly include:
    • Whipped cream
    • Chocolate or caramel syrup
    • Maraschino cherries
    • Ground cinnamon
    • Honey or agave syrup

Optional additions or variations might include shredded coconut in the coating mixture, using different ice cream flavors like chocolate or strawberry, or incorporating a drizzle of liqueur over the finished dessert for adults.

It’s worth noting that the ice cream ball is frozen solid, coated quickly in the crispy mixture, and then deep-fried at a high temperature for a short time to ensure the ice cream stays frozen while the coating becomes crispy. This creates a delightful contrast between the hot, crispy exterior and the cold, creamy interior of the dessert.

Mexican Fried Ice Cream Recipe

Mexican Fried Ice Cream Calories

The calorie content of Mexican Fried Ice Creams can vary depending on several factors such as the size of the ice cream ball, the type and amount of coating used, and whether any toppings or additional ingredients are added. However, I can provide you with a rough estimate based on a typical serving size.

A single serving of Mexican Fried Ice Cream (approximately 1 ball of ice cream with coating) can contain anywhere from 300 to 600 calories, on average. The majority of these calories come from the ice cream itself and the coating mixture, which often includes ingredients like cornflakes, sugar, and cinnamon.

Keep in mind that the calorie count may increase if you add toppings such as whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or nuts. It’s also essential to consider portion sizes, as larger servings will naturally contain more calories.

For a more accurate calorie estimate, you may want to calculate the calories based on the specific ingredients and quantities you use in your recipe.

 Tips For Making Mexican Fried Ice Cream

Here are some tips to help you make delicious Mexican Fried Ice Creams:

  1. Pre-Freeze the Ice Cream: Ensure that the ice cream balls are frozen solid before you start coating and frying them. This step is crucial to prevent the ice cream from melting too quickly during frying.
  2. Use Cornflakes or Crushed Cereal: Crushed cornflakes or cereal like cinnamon toast crunch work well for the crispy coating. You can also add a touch of cinnamon and sugar to the coating mixture for extra flavor.
  3. Work Quickly: Once the ice cream balls are coated, work quickly to fry them. The goal is to cook the coating until golden brown while keeping the ice cream inside frozen. A quick fry at a high temperature achieves this.
  4. Double-Coat for Extra Crispiness: For an even crispier coating, you can double-coat the ice cream balls. Dip the coated ice cream in egg wash again and then roll it in the crushed cereal mixture before frying.
  5. Use the Right Oil: Use a neutral-flavored oil with a high smoke point for frying, such as vegetable oil or canola oil. Make sure the oil is hot enough (around 350-375°F or 175-190°C) before adding the ice cream.
  6. Fry in Batches: Fry the ice cream balls in batches to avoid overcrowding the frying pan. This ensures that each ball cooks evenly and maintains its shape.
  7. Drain Excess Oil: After frying, place the Mexican Fried Ice Cream on paper towels to drain excess oil before serving. This helps remove any excess grease and keeps the coating crispy.
  8. Serve Immediately: Mexican Fried Ice Creams is best served immediately after frying while the coating is still crispy and the ice cream is cold. Add toppings like whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or honey just before serving for a delicious finish.
  9. Variations: Get creative with the coating by adding ingredients like shredded coconut, chopped nuts, or even a drizzle of caramel or chocolate sauce for extra indulgence.

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to making mouthwatering Mexican Fried Ice Creams that’s crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside. Enjoy!


What type of ice cream is best for Mexican Fried Ice Cream?

The best type of ice cream for Mexican Fried Ice Cream is usually vanilla ice cream. Vanilla ice cream’s neutral and creamy flavor pairs well with the crispy coating and toppings typically used in this dessert. Additionally, vanilla ice cream allows the flavors of the coating and toppings to shine without overpowering them.

While vanilla ice cream is the traditional choice for Mexican Fried Ice Cream, you can also experiment with other flavors if you prefer. Chocolate, strawberry, or even flavors like caramel or coffee can add a unique twist to the dish. However, keep in mind that strongly flavored ice creams may compete with the other elements of the dessert, so it’s often recommended to stick with vanilla or similar neutral flavors for the best overall balance.

Can I make Mexican Fried Ice Cream ahead of time?

While Mexican Fried Ice Cream is best enjoyed fresh, you can prepare certain aspects of it ahead of time to save time and streamline the process. Here are some tips for making Mexican Fried Ice Cream ahead of time:

  1. Pre-freeze the Ice Cream Balls: The key to successful Mexican Fried Ice Cream is having frozen-solid ice cream balls. You can prepare these ahead of time by scooping the ice cream into balls, placing them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and freezing them until firm. Once they are frozen solid, transfer them to an airtight container or freezer bag until you’re ready to coat and fry them.
  2. Prep the Coating Mixture: You can also prepare the coating mixture ahead of time. Crush the cornflakes or cereal, mix in cinnamon and sugar (if using), and store the mixture in an airtight container until needed. This saves time when you’re ready to coat the ice cream balls.
  3. Assembly and Coating: When you’re ready to serve the Mexican Fried Ice Cream, take the pre-frozen ice cream balls out of the freezer and quickly coat them in the prepared coating mixture. Work efficiently to prevent the ice cream from melting. Once coated, you can fry them immediately for a crispy finish.
  4. Frying: Heat the oil to the appropriate temperature and fry the coated ice cream balls in batches. Fry them until the coating is golden brown and crispy, but be careful not to overcook them as you want the ice cream inside to remain frozen.
  5. Serving: Once fried, drain any excess oil on paper towels and serve the Mexican Fried Ice Cream immediately while the coating is crispy and the ice cream is cold. Add toppings like whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or honey just before serving for a delicious finish.

By prepping the ice cream balls and coating mixture ahead of time, you can streamline the process and ensure that your Mexican Fried Ice Cream is fresh, crispy, and delicious when served.

Can I bake Mexican Fried Ice Cream instead of frying?

While traditional Mexican Fried Ice Cream is typically deep-fried for its characteristic crispy coating, you can indeed experiment with baking it as a healthier alternative. Here’s how you can bake Mexican Fried Ice Cream:

  1. Preparation: Preheat your oven to a moderate temperature, around 350°F (175°C).
  2. Prepare Ice Cream Balls: Follow the same steps for pre-freezing the ice cream balls as you would for frying. Scoop the ice cream into balls, place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet, and freeze until firm.
  3. Coating: Prepare the coating mixture as usual, using crushed cornflakes or cereal with cinnamon and sugar.
  4. Coat the Ice Cream Balls: Remove the frozen ice cream balls from the freezer. Quickly coat them in the prepared coating mixture, making sure to cover them evenly.
  5. Baking: Place the coated ice cream balls back on the parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake them in the preheated oven for about 8-10 minutes, or until the coating is golden brown and crispy. Keep a close eye on them to prevent over-browning.
  6. Serving: Once baked, remove the Mexican Fried Ice Cream from the oven and let it cool slightly before serving. Serve immediately while the coating is crispy and the ice cream is cold.

Keep in mind that baked Mexican Fried Ice Cream may have a slightly different texture and flavor compared to the fried version. While it won’t have the same level of crispiness, it can still be a delicious and lighter alternative. Experiment with the baking time and temperature to achieve the desired level of crispiness while ensuring that the ice cream inside remains frozen.

What variations can I try with Mexican Fried Ice Cream?

There are several variations and creative twists you can try with Mexican Fried Ice Cream to customize the flavor and presentation. Here are some ideas:

  1. Different Ice Cream Flavors: While vanilla ice cream is traditional, you can use different ice cream flavors to create unique variations. Try chocolate, strawberry, coffee, or even exotic flavors like mango or pistachio for a twist.
  2. Alternative Coatings: Instead of using cornflakes or cereal, experiment with different coatings for added flavor and texture. Crushed graham crackers, cookie crumbs (like Oreos or gingersnaps), shredded coconut, or chopped nuts (such as almonds or pecans) can all work well.
  3. Spiced Coating: Add spices to the coating mixture for a flavorful kick. Try adding a dash of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, or even a pinch of cayenne pepper for a hint of heat.
  4. Fried Toppings: Fry additional toppings separately and sprinkle them over the ice cream. Examples include fried banana slices, fried plantains, or even fried tortilla strips for a Mexican-inspired touch.
  5. Drizzles and Sauces: Enhance the flavor by drizzling sauces over the finished Mexican Fried Ice Cream. Options include chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, honey, dulce de leche, or fruity syrups like strawberry or raspberry.
  6. Alcohol-Infused: For an adult twist, consider infusing the coating or drizzles with a splash of liqueur such as Kahlua, rum, or amaretto. Just be cautious with alcohol content, especially if serving to children or non-drinkers.
  7. Garnishes: Garnish each serving with fresh fruit slices (such as strawberries or bananas), a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar, a dollop of whipped cream, or a maraschino cherry for a festive touch.
  8. Mini Portions: Instead of one large ice cream ball, create smaller portions by using mini scoops of ice cream. This makes serving and eating easier, especially for parties or gatherings.
  9. Frozen Yogurt: For a lighter option, use frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. It still offers a creamy texture but with fewer calories.
  10. Non-Dairy Options: Explore non-dairy ice cream alternatives such as coconut milk-based ice creams or almond milk-based frozen desserts for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

These variations allow you to get creative and tailor Mexican Fried Ice Cream to your taste preferences or themed occasions. Have fun experimenting and discovering new flavor combinations!

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