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Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

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Introducing a delectable indulgence that combines two beloved treats into one irresistible delight: Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich. Imagine velvety cheesecake-flavored ice cream nestled between two soft, yet satisfyingly crunchy cookies. It’s a symphony of creamy richness and sweet satisfaction that elevates the classic ice cream sandwich to a whole new level. With every bite, you’ll experience the perfect balance of tangy cheesecake flavor and luscious ice cream, creating a sensory experience that’s simply unforgettable.

Whether you’re a cheesecake enthusiast, an ice cream aficionado, or simply a lover of all things delicious, these ice cream sandwiches are sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more. Get ready to indulge in a truly decadent dessert experience with Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Experience the perfect combination of creamy cheesecake ice cream and soft, chewy cookies with our Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich. These delightful treats offer a tantalizing blend of rich flavor and creamy texture, making them the ultimate dessert indulgence for any occasion. Whether you’re enjoying a sweet snack on a warm summer day or treating yourself to a satisfying dessert after dinner, these ice cream sandwiches are sure to delight your taste buds and leave you craving more.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 1 People
Calories 120 kcal


  • Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream
  • Soft, chewy cookies (such as chocolate chip cookies or snickerdoodles)


  • Softened Ice Cream: Allow the Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream to soften slightly at room temperature for easier spreading.
  • Assemble the Sandwiches: Take one cookie and place a scoop of softened Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream on the flat side. Gently press another cookie on top to create a sandwich, ensuring the ice cream is evenly distributed between the two cookies.
  • Repeat: Continue assembling ice cream sandwiches with the remaining cookies and ice cream until all sandwiches are prepared.
  • Wrap and Chill: Individually wrap each ice cream sandwich in plastic wrap or parchment paper to prevent them from sticking together. Place the wrapped sandwiches on a baking sheet and transfer to the freezer to chill for at least 2 hours, or until firm.
  • Serve and Enjoy: Once the ice cream sandwiches are fully chilled and firm, unwrap them and serve immediately. Sink your teeth into the creamy goodness of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream sandwiched between soft, chewy cookies with every bite.
  • Optional Garnishes: For an extra touch of indulgence, roll the edges of the ice cream sandwiches in crushed graham crackers, chopped nuts, or mini chocolate chips before wrapping and chilling.
  • Storage: Store any leftover ice cream sandwiches in an airtight container in the freezer for up to one week. Simply unwrap and enjoy whenever a sweet craving strikes.


With their irresistible flavor and satisfying texture, Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich are a delicious way to indulge in the creamy goodness of cheesecake and ice cream. Whether enjoyed as a solo treat or shared with friends and family, these ice cream sandwiches are sure to bring a smile to your face with every bite.

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches Ingredients

Here are the typical ingredients you’ll need to make Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich:

  1. Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream: This is the star ingredient and the filling for your ice cream sandwiches. Blue Bunny offers a variety of cheesecake-flavored ice creams that you can use for this recipe.
  2. Soft Cookies or Graham Crackers: You’ll need soft cookies or graham crackers to sandwich the cheesecake ice cream. Choose cookies that are sturdy enough to hold the ice cream but soft enough to bite into easily.
  3. Optional Toppings or Mix-Ins: You can enhance the flavor and texture of your ice cream sandwiches by adding toppings or mix-ins. Some popular choices include crushed graham crackers, mini chocolate chips, sprinkles, or chopped nuts.
  4. Parchment Paper or Wax Paper: This is used to line your baking sheet or tray when assembling the ice cream sandwiches. It prevents sticking and makes it easier to transfer the sandwiches to the freezer.
  5. Plastic Wrap or Airtight Container: Once assembled, you’ll need plastic wrap or an airtight container to store the ice cream sandwiches in the freezer. This helps prevent freezer burn and keeps the sandwiches fresh.
  6. Baking Sheet or Tray: Use a baking sheet or tray to assemble and freeze the ice cream sandwiches. Make sure it fits in your freezer and has enough space to accommodate all the sandwiches without them touching each other.
  7. Spatula or Spoon: You’ll need a spatula or spoon to spread the softened ice cream onto the cookies or graham crackers and assemble the sandwiches.

These ingredients are basic for making Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches. Feel free to customize your sandwiches by choosing different flavors of cheesecake ice cream, using different types of cookies or crackers, and adding your favorite toppings or mix-ins for a personalized touch!

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches Nutrition Facts

The nutritional information for Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich can vary depending on the specific ingredients used and portion sizes. Here’s a general overview of the typical nutritional facts for Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches:

Serving Size: 1 sandwich (approximately 100-120 grams)

Calories: Approximately 200-300 calories per sandwich

  • Calories from Fat: About 80-120 calories

Total Fat: Approximately 9-14 grams

  • Saturated Fat: Around 5-8 grams
  • Trans Fat: 0 grams

Cholesterol: Approximately 20-40 milligrams

Sodium: Around 100-200 milligrams

Total Carbohydrates: About 25-35 grams

  • Dietary Fiber: Around 1-2 grams
  • Sugars: Approximately 15-25 grams

Protein: About 3-5 grams

Please note that these nutritional values are estimates and can vary based on factors such as the specific Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream flavor, the type of cookies or graham crackers used, and any additional toppings or mix-ins added to the sandwiches.

When enjoying Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches, it’s essential to be mindful of portion sizes and moderation, especially if you’re monitoring your calorie intake or following a specific dietary plan. Individual product packaging or the Blue Bunny website may provide more detailed and accurate nutritional information for specific flavors or variations of the ice cream sandwiches.

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches Calories

The calorie content of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches can vary based on factors such as the specific ingredients used, portion sizes, and any additional toppings or mix-ins. However, here’s a general estimate of the calorie count for Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches:

  • Serving Size: 1 sandwich (approximately 100-120 grams)
  • Calories: Approximately 200-300 calories per sandwich

Please note that these calorie values are approximate and can vary depending on the specific Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream flavor, the type of cookies or graham crackers used, and any additional ingredients or toppings included in the sandwiches.

It’s essential to check the product packaging or the Blue Bunny website for the most accurate and up-to-date nutritional information for the specific flavor or variety of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches you’re consuming. Additionally, portion control and moderation are important considerations when enjoying ice cream sandwiches as part of a balanced diet.

Tips for Perfect Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich

Here are some tips to help you make perfect Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches:

  1. Choose High-Quality Ingredients: Start with a premium Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream flavor that you enjoy. Quality ingredients will enhance the overall taste of your sandwiches.
  2. Softening the Ice Cream: Let the ice cream soften slightly at room temperature before assembling the sandwiches. This makes it easier to spread the ice cream evenly and prevents the cookies from breaking.
  3. Use Soft Cookies or Graham Crackers: Select soft and chewy cookies or graham crackers for your sandwiches. They should be sturdy enough to hold the ice cream but soft enough to bite into without crumbling.
  4. Even Ice Cream Distribution: Spread the softened ice cream evenly onto one cookie or graham cracker. Use a spatula or knife to achieve a smooth and consistent layer of ice cream.
  5. Add Toppings or Mix-Ins: Enhance the flavor and texture of your sandwiches by adding toppings or mix-ins to the ice cream layer. Popular choices include crushed graham crackers, mini chocolate chips, or sprinkles.
  6. Assemble Carefully: Place another cookie or graham cracker on top of the ice cream layer to create a sandwich. Gently press down to secure the layers together without squishing the ice cream too much.
  7. Freezing Time: After assembling the sandwiches, freeze them for at least 1-2 hours or until the ice cream is firm. This allows the flavors to meld together and ensures a satisfying texture.
  8. Individually Wrap: If you’re not serving the sandwiches immediately, wrap them individually in plastic wrap or store them in an airtight container in the freezer. This prevents freezer burn and keeps the sandwiches fresh.
  9. Serve Chilled: Before serving, let the sandwiches sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften slightly for easier biting. Enjoy your perfectly made Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches!

By following these tips, you can create delicious and satisfying Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches that are sure to be a hit with family and friends.


What are Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches?

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches are frozen desserts that feature Blue Bunny’s signature cheesecake-flavored ice cream sandwiched between two soft cookies or graham crackers. These sandwiches offer a delightful combination of creamy cheesecake ice cream and tender, sweet layers, creating a convenient and indulgent treat that’s perfect for satisfying your dessert cravings.

The key components of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches include:

  1. Cheesecake-Flavored Ice Cream: Blue Bunny’s cheesecake-flavored ice cream is known for its rich and creamy texture with a delicious cheesecake taste. It is made with quality ingredients to ensure a smooth and flavorful ice cream experience.
  2. Soft Cookies or Graham Crackers: The ice cream is sandwiched between two soft and chewy cookies or graham crackers, providing a perfect balance of textures. These cookies or crackers act as the “bread” of the sandwich, holding the creamy ice cream together.
  3. Variety of Flavors: While cheesecake-flavored ice cream is a popular choice, Blue Bunny may offer variations of ice cream sandwiches with different flavors, such as chocolate chip, vanilla, or strawberry, to cater to various tastes and preferences.

Overall, Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches are a delicious and convenient dessert option that combines the indulgence of cheesecake ice cream with the convenience of a handheld treat. They are great for enjoying on a hot day, as a dessert after a meal, or as a sweet snack anytime you crave something delightful.

Are Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches gluten-free?

The gluten-free status of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches can vary depending on several factors, including the specific ingredients used and potential cross-contamination during production. Here are some considerations:

  1. Main Ingredients: The main ingredients of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream, such as milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings, are typically gluten-free. However, it’s essential to check the ingredient list for any gluten-containing additives or flavorings.
  2. Cookie or Cracker Component: Many traditional ice cream sandwiches use cookies or graham crackers as the outer layers. These cookies or crackers may contain wheat flour or gluten-containing ingredients. Check the product label or packaging to determine if the cookies or crackers used in Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches are gluten-free.
  3. Cross-Contamination: Even if the ingredients themselves are gluten-free, there is a risk of cross-contamination during manufacturing or handling. Manufacturers may process gluten-containing products on the same equipment or in the same facility, which can lead to traces of gluten in the final product.
  4. Gluten-Free Labeling: Some Blue Bunny products may be labeled as gluten-free if they meet strict standards and testing requirements for gluten-free certification. Look for gluten-free labeling on the packaging or check the Blue Bunny website for gluten-free product options.

To determine if a specific variety of Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches is gluten-free, it’s crucial to read the product label for allergen information and gluten-free certifications. Additionally, contacting Blue Bunny directly or visiting their official website can provide more detailed information about gluten-free options and potential allergen concerns.

Do Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches contain nuts or allergens?

Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches may contain allergens such as milk, wheat, soy, and nuts, depending on the specific ingredients and recipe used. Here are some considerations regarding allergens in Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches:

  1. Milk and Dairy Allergens: Cheesecake-flavored ice cream typically contains milk and cream as primary ingredients. Individuals with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance should avoid Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches or choose dairy-free alternatives.
  2. Wheat and Gluten: Some ice cream sandwiches use cookies or graham crackers as the outer layers. These cookies or crackers may contain wheat flour or gluten-containing ingredients. Check the product label for allergen information and gluten-free options.
  3. Soy: Soy-based ingredients, such as soy lecithin, may be used in ice cream and related products. Individuals with soy allergies should check the ingredient list for soy-derived ingredients.
  4. Nuts: Depending on the variety, Blue Bunny Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches may contain nuts or be processed in facilities that handle nuts. Check the product label for allergen warnings and avoid if you have nut allergies.
  5. Cross-Contamination: Cross-contamination can occur during manufacturing or handling processes, leading to traces of allergens in the final product. Manufacturers often provide allergen information on product labels for consumer awareness.

It’s crucial for individuals with food allergies or sensitivities to carefully read the product label, ingredient list, and allergen information provided by the manufacturer. If you have specific allergen concerns, contact Blue Bunny directly or visit their official website for detailed product information and allergen policies.

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